Oppose Senate Bill 14 - Repeal of MIOSHA

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Senate Bill 14, sponsored by Republican State Senator Mark Jansen, will repeal the Michigan Health and Safety Act (MIOSHA) in favor of a federal OSHA program. The elimination of MIOSHA would be a significant step backward for workplace health and safety in Michigan. During a time when job creation and sustainability is so important for Michigan, our lawmakers continue to divert their attention to issues that are simply political payback for greedy corporate CEOs. Repealing MIOSHA will not help Michigan. Over a half million workers will not be covered under a federal OSHA program, and Michigan will receive substantially less amounts of money to keep our workers safe on the job. At MIOSHA’s current funding level, resources are spent on continuing the occupational safety and health regulations, enforcement, education, training and consultation that has made Michigan a national leader in workplace safety and health. All of these programs will be severely cut if a federal program is implemented.

Because of MIOSHA, Michigan workplaces and workers are now among the safest in the nation.

What can you do to help stop this legislation?

We need workers across Michigan to write in to their state senator and oppose SB-14. Let your representatives know the importance of MIOSHA. Our state is one of the best in preventing occupational injuries and deaths, and we intend to keep it that way.

Keep OSHA in Michigan

Let your community know the dangers of repealing the Safety and Health Act in two easy steps:

1. Take action and write to your local newspaper now!

2. Write your state senator and tell him/her to vote NO on SB-14

Also, write in to your local newspaper and express your concerns regarding SB-14. The general public is unaware of what the repeal of MIOSHA will mean for all of Michigan. Keeping workers safe on the job is MIOSHA’s main priority – and they’re one of the best in the business.

In Solidarity,

Michigan AFL-CIO

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