The Local Union
Each Local Union of the Council's 24 Local Unions and their membership are an entity in their own right and operate under the dictates of their own constitutions without interference from the Council or from the National Union. Each Local has its own procedures for the disbursement of its own treasury funds and it also has its own unique system for the processing of grievances. Further, the structuring of the Local organization falls totally within the province of the Local Union. The only time that the Local Union is answerable to the State Council or to the National, is when its practices strongly violate the Working Agreement and those dictums set forth by the Delegates in convention or when its practices may violate the National Union constitution.
Most Locals consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary and a Sergeant-At-Arms. This setup might not be the case in all instances, but basically this is true, and such officers are known as the Executive Board officers. These are the people who are responsible for the conduct of the Local Union and must answer to all critics.