January 4, 2010
Dear Members:
At the September 12, 2009 meeting of the Michigan State Utility Workers Council, the delegate body approved an amendment to the MSUWC Constitution which restructures how Union dues are calculated. The amendment calls for dues to be paid weekly at 1.25% of a members' calculated 40-hour gross pay, based upon that member's then current hourly wage, including COLA if applicable, regardless of the number of hours that member works in any given week.
Weekly Union Dues = (hourly wage rate + COLA) X 40 X 1.25%
This change will create a dues structure more consistent with the National UWUA and will reduce the effects of the National's yearly dues adjustment, which is based upon the average yearly percent of the wage increases of all contracts. The change also helps to establish equity between all the members represented by the MSUWC, which now includes six contracts with five separate employers.
Notice of the new dues structure was sent to each Local Union and posted in September of 2009; however, due to some programming issues with various employers, the new structure could not go into effect until January 2010. Due to the length of time between the original notice to the Local Unions and the actual implementation of the new dues structure, the Council felt it was best to notify each member directly, of the change. Therefore, effective with your first pay period of 2010, you will see dues paid at the rate described above.
In solidarity,
Patrick M. Dillon