Oppose House Bill 4054 - Right-to-work zones

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The opening session of Michigan House of Representatives began with the introduction of House Bill 4054 (HB4054), a bill that would create Right-to-Work zones. The bill was introduced by Representatives Knollenberg, Jacobsen, MacMaster, McMillin, Lund, Genetski and LaFontaine and was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

If passed, this bill could create Right-to-Work zones in a city, county, township, village, public school district, or an intermediate school district. In effect it has the potential to create county wide right-to-work zones. 

  • Right-to-Work is a divisive issue that will not create new revenue to help balance the budget.
  • It is not part of any economic development. Right-to-Work states are suffering the same effects of deindustrialization as Michigan.
  • Right-to-Work would kill economic recovery in Michigan. It is divisive. It would harm the positive working relationships between unions and business. 
  • It will not stop organizing or collective bargaining. In fact organizing becomes more prevalent as unions will continually organize in workplaces that are not 100%.
  • It should be titled “Right-to-Freeload”, as it only allows the few employees who would still maintain the representation of a union, but not pay their fair share of dues.

Right-to-Work is not good public policy whether it is state-wide or in a zone. Its divisive nature is harmful to business, to workers and to the states recovery. It is simply a lose-lose proposition.

Contact your legislator and let them know that right-to-work is the wrong direction for Michigan.